by roryrmg | Oct 28, 2015 | Community Services
Welcome to Centerville Animal Hospital! Centerville Animal Hospital has been helping pets and their people since 1995. Over the years, Dr. Amanda Hayden has gathered together a talented group of like-minded veterinary professionals. Individually, we each feel...
by roryrmg | Sep 28, 2015 | Business Services, Community Services
Auto – Sign TAKE WORKPLACE SAFETY TO THE NEXT LEVEL WITH AUTO-SIGN... Auto-Sign Motion Activated warning sign concept was invented and patented by Shawn Jackson, a VA beach contractor with many years experience of what can happen when people ignore warnings in...
by roryrmg | May 19, 2015 | Community Services, Health & Wellness
Serving Seniors in Virginia Beach, VA – It is our passion, our life’s mission, our honor. They have spent their lives building the world we enjoy. They have fought for our freedoms, paved our streets, built our schools, and invented our necessities. Some brought...
by roryrmg | Jan 26, 2015 | Community Services
Minor Visionaries is an event planning, design and production company whose mission is to give back to the community. We plan to use our skills to impact the lives of the children of the world. We believe that everyone deserves an awesome birthday! This is the day...
by roryrmg | Dec 6, 2014 | Charity Services, Community Services
Veteran’s HomeFront This organization is a father, daughter, community collaborative, grassroots, social entrepreneurial organization and movement. Our mission is to Bridge the Gaps and Connect the Dots for Veterans and Communities in New Ways…....
by roryrmg | Dec 3, 2014 | Business Services, Community Services
About Launch Hampton Roads Launch Hampton Roads is Opportunity Inc.’s program to provide entrepreneurship training under the U.S. Department of Labor’s Workforce Innovation Fund grant as part of a three region Virginia consortium that includes...